Online Events Calendar
One of the (few) bright spots of the pandemic is the number of virtual programs — talks, exhibits, tours, discussions, and more — available online, removing the requirement of in-person attendance. The Jane Austen/Regency world has a growing number of online events of interest to our community. We’ve set up this Online Event Calendar to help you find some of them. Please check the listings and be sure to convert the event times (which are local to the organizers) to your location. To submit an event for the calendar, email Note: JASNA regional events are also listed on the organization’s web site:
JASNA Southwest “Golden Threads: Richardson, Bage, Austen and Bronte”
Registration deadline August 24. Cal State Universit, Dominquez Hills
JASNA NorCal Virtual Book Group
What Jane Austen’s Characters Read (and Why) (2024), Susan Allen Ford
JASNA Central California Presents Discussion of Selected Austen Juvenilia
Summer reading program Fresno Area Public Library TBA
JASNA NorCal Presents The Love and Lore of the Seaside in Jane Austen’s Time (Zoom)
Award-winning novelist Julie Klassen will present highlights from her research into English seaside resorts and bathing customs of the Regency era.
JASNA Greater Sacramento Region Presents Gretna Green Presentation with Madeline Yanov
Members are invited to attend our Quarterly Meeting. Genealogist Madeline Yanov will be our guest speaker, presenting on Gretna Green and the English Marriage Act. Her discussion will also cover […]
JASNA Greater Sacramento Region Book Sale
260 items including annotated versions of Austen’s 6 novels, the Juvenilia, and also her books completed by others. Contact for inquiries and location of private home.
JASNA Greater Sacramento Region Book Sale
260 items including annotated versions of Austen’s 6 novels, the Juvenilia, and also her books completed by others. Contact for inquiries and location of private home.
JASNA NorCal Virtual Book Group
The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch, Melinda Taub
JASNA NorCal Virtual Book Group
Good Fortune (2023), C. K. Chau
JASNA NorCal Birthday Gala
Miss Bennett Christmas at Pemberley, a play by Lauren Gunderson and Margo MelconJoin us for the play, post-discussion. More to come!
JASNA Central California Presents Jane Austen Birthday
No Host BrunchCDT Cocina, Fresno
Rare Books San Francisco Celebrates Jane Austen
Rare Books LA and SF celebrate the 250th anniversary of Jane's birth at Fort Mason. 10-6 Saturday, 11-4 Sunday. Purchase tickets through website. Stop by the JASNA NorCal table […]
Jane Austen’s Bookshelf Lecture by Rebecca Romney
A special talk by Rebecca Romney, rare book dealer and guest star of the hit show Pawn Stars about her new book at Rare Books San Francisco event at Fort […]
JASNA Norcal Virtual Valentine Event – Food and Love in the Regency: A Jane Austen Valentine’s Celebration
Tuesday, February 11, 6:30–8:00 pm (PT) on Zoom You are warmly invited to a cozy Jane Austen Valentine's Day celebration. This year, the theme will be "Food and Love in […]
JASNA NorCal presents“The Forgotten Tale of Doctor Syntax, the Regency’s Most Popular Fictional Character” – In person and virtual event
The Regency’s favorite travelling clergyman has reached the Bay Area! Join us in the Terrace Room at Margaret-Jacks Hall on Stanford Campus (or online) for a talk on what was, […]
Pulp & Prejudice: A Defense of Romance Novels
Pulp & Prejudice is a hilarious one-woman show that passionately defends romance—romance novels, that is. Written and performed by local artist Jenny Noa, Pulp & Prejudice has been described as […]
JASNA Southwest A Star Is Born: A Truth Universally Acknowledged
2025 is the anniversary of numerous filmed adaptations of Austen’s novels: the 85th anniversary of MGM’s 1940 version of Pride and Prejudice starring Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier; the 45th anniversary of the Elizabeth […]
JASNA NorCal Virtual Reading Group – Austen at Sea by Natalie Jenner
The book comes out May 6.
JASNA AGM Austen at 250 – Baltimore, MD
Austen at 250: "No check to my Genius from beginning to end" 2025 will be a milestone year as we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Jane Austen’s birth, with Baltimore […]